Psychotria mauiensis

Fosberg (1964)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Eudicot-Asterids Order: Gentianales Family: Rubiaceae Genus: Psychotria

‘ōpiko [opiko]


Key Characters:

Growth Form: Plants extremely variable in habit, from shrubs up to 4 m tall to trees up to 12 m tall.

Stems: Branches grayish brown, chestnut brown, or yellowish brown.


Leaves: Leaves simple. Opposite. Blades broadly obovate to oblanceolate, elliptic, or suborbicular, 1.8–13 cm long, 1–9.3 cm wide. Apex obtuse or rounded. Base acute, rounded, or subtruncate. Surfaces glabrous or pubescent, blades membranous to coriaceous, domatia absent or inconspicuous. Margins revolute or sometimes flat. Lateral veins 4–10 pairs. Sometimes sessile, but usually with petioles 0.5–2 cm long. Stipules deltate–ovate to broadly obovate, up to 6(–15) mm long.

Flowers: Flowers in inflorescences with 1 main axis and 1–2 nodes of verticillate branching, the branches often again divaricately or verticillately branched, peduncles and branches glabrous or pubescent, the ultimate branches terminated by a 3–flowered cymule, peduncles 1–7.4 cm long, lateral flowers of each cymule often on small pedicels, branches subtended by small bracts. Flowers insect-pollinated, functionally unisexual, usually heterostylous, 4–5-merous. Calyx 4-6-lobed, 2–2.8 mm long, glabrous or sometimes pubescent or hirtellous, truncate or with short obtuse lobes, the tube usually shorter than hypanthium. Corolla white, 4-6-lobed, tube 1–2 mm long, somewhat expanded toward apex, throat glabrous, the lobes often thick, broadly ovate to lanceolate, 1.2–2.9 mm long, reflexed at anthesis, glabrous or occasionally pubescent on lower surface and at apex; nectary disk present at apex of ovary. Stamens as many as and alternate with the corolla lobes; filaments of staminate flowers up to 1 mm long at anthesis, usually inserted on the corolla tube or throat; anthers attached at base, exserted at anthesis in functionally staminate flowers, ovate–oblong, 0.7–0.9 mm long, dithecal, opening by longitudinal slits. Ovary inferior, occasionally partly so, or very rarely superior, 2–celled, placentation basal; ovules 1 per cell, erect, anatropous, 1.5–2.5 mm long at anthesis; style 1 or as many as carpels, 0.5–2.5 mm long, glabrous or pubescent, terminal, slender; stigmas 2, lobed or capitate, divaricate, 0.6–2 mm long, glabrous or pubescent, dry or occasionally wet.

Fruit: Fruit oblong–pyriform; 9–15 mm long; ± with disk protruding somewhat from the short persistent calyx; pyrenes 1-2(-4); hemispherical in cross section; endocarp usually thick and hard. Seeds 1 per pyrene; usually conforming to the form of the pyrene; seed coat thin; with T-shaped invaginations on the ventral surface; endosperm otherwise not ruminate; carnose; the embryo small with flat; thin cotyledons; seeds with well-developed oily endosperm; or endosperm occasionally scanty or absent.


Habitat: Occurring in mesic to wet forest.

Elevation Range: 215–1,470 m.

Historical Distribution

Uses and Culture


Natural History

Statewide Status


Island Status

Kaua'i Endemic
Molokai Endemic
Lana'i Endemic
Maui Endemic
Hawai'i Endemic

Dispersal Agents



Name Published In: Brittonia 16: 266 (1964)

Other References

Wagner et al. 1990:1169 (K, Mo, L, M, H)


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg honomuni, se of kawaiuliuli wet ohia, native trees and shrubs, exotic grass and shrubs PRESERVED_SPECIMEN stemmermann, r.l. montgomery, s. collector number: 3935 Molokai BISH 7/18/1979
2 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Hanalilolilo, Waikolu Valley head wet woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 12395 Molokai BISH 12/21/1932
3 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg east maui, hana district, e kaupo gap, within kaupo dryland exclusion in haleakala national park Cliffs of the south slope. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN medeiros, a.c. collector number: 212 Maui BISH 7/10/1982
4 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg lanai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 346.l Lanai BISH 9/1/1917
5 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg puehuehunui, s of kauaula rim small drainage, mixed mesic forest; Metrosideros polymorpha, Cheirodendron trigynum, Dodonaea viscosa, Nestegis sandwicensis, Hedyotis acuminata, Cyrtandra grayi, Melicope hawaiiense PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. oppenheimer, h. collector number: 11937 Maui BISH 6/21/2006
6 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kumuwela ridge E of Waineke Swamp PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 21563 Kauai BISH 1/1/1952
7 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg [Hawaiian Islands; U.S.A. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. s.n. BISH
8 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Lanai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Munro, G.C. 17 Lanai BISH
9 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Nahiku, Kuhiwa Trail, Koolau Forest Reserve moist woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 17904 Maui BISH 1/2/1937
10 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kipuka Puaulu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. s.n. Hawaii BISH
11 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Wailau Pali PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 7072 Molokai BISH 4/1/1910
12 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg East Maui, Makawao District, East Koolau Forest Reseve, Waikamoi stream valley along road PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Kiehn, M. MK-900803-3/2 Maui BISH 3/8/1990
13 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg mts. above puu kolekole PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 216 mo Molokai BISH 7/1/1912
14 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg East Maui, Hana District, E Kaupo Gap, within Kaupo dryland exclusion in Haleakala National Park Cliffs of the south slope. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Medeiros, A.C. 212 Maui BISH 7/10/1982
15 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Ukumehame Gulch wet Metrosideros forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 25679 Maui BISH 12/28/1955
16 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Mts. above Puu Kolekole PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 216 Mo Molokai BISH 7/1/1912
17 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kaluaaha PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 7085 Molokai BISH 4/1/1910
18 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg puu ahia, kawaihae, kohala mts. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. hosaka, e.y. collector number: 11484 Oahu BISH 1/2/1932
19 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg lanai Wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. collector number: 17 Oahu BISH
20 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg awehi, e lanai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN montgomery, s.l. kobayashi, g. collector number: s.n. Lanai BISH 6/9/1971
21 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg East Maui, N Haleakala, along ridge between Hanawi Stream and Kuhiwa Gulch wet ohia forest with native trees, shrubs, treefern PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 2637 Maui BISH 6/14/1980
22 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg nahiku, kuhiwa trail, koolau forest reserve PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. catto, r.j. collector number: 17904 Hawaii BISH 1/2/1937
23 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Pukoo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 292 Molokai BISH 7/1/1912
24 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Mts. above Puu Kolekole PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 171 Mo Molokai BISH 7/1/1912
25 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Between Wailau and Pelekunu Valleys, Olokui Plateau wet ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Higashino, P.K. 9429 Molokai BISH 8/3/1980
26 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg lanai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 378.l Lanai BISH 9/1/1917
27 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg between wailau and pelekunu valleys, olokui plateau wet ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. mceldowney, p.h. collector number: frw 2930 Molokai BISH 8/2/1980
28 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg kumuweia ridge e of waineke swamp PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. greenwell, a. collector number: 21563 Kauai BISH
29 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg kaohai, awehi gulch, head of lower woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. hosaka, e.y. collector number: 18883 Lanai BISH 4/15/1938
30 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Mountains E end PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 214.L Lanai BISH 6/1/1913
31 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg W Maui, Lahaina District, Lihau Montane Wet Shrubland at 4000 ft on the N ridge of Lihau with Metrosideros, Cheirodendron, Cibotium, Coprosma, Hedyotis, Vaccinium and native herbs, sedges and ferns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Welton, P. 1101 Maui BISH 7/13/1991
32 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg east Maui, Hana District, Hana FR, Waihoi Valley, back of valley. occasional in Metrosideros Wet Forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H51404 Maui BISH 5/1/2014
33 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg puu kukui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wilbur, r.l. webster, g.l. collector number: 929 Oahu BISH 6/29/1948
34 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg west maui, back of kaanapali Mesic koa-`ohi`a forest with other native trees and a native fern & shrub understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8167 Hawaii BISH 8/25/1910
35 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg East Maui, NW slope of Haleakala PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8541 Maui BISH 9/1/1910
36 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Ulupalakua, E Maui, Makawao District PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hillebrand, W.B. s.n. Maui BISH
37 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg lanai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 379.l Lanai BISH 9/1/1917
38 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg kaiholena ridge Lower decadent forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. degener, i. collector number: 24198 Lanai BISH 8/10/1957
39 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Haalelepaakai Ridge near Fish and Wildlife enclosure PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Flynn, T. 183 Lanai BISH 5/25/1982
40 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Pualaia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 1744 M Maui BISH 12/5/1919
41 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 2308 Maui BISH 5/10/1920
42 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg halehaku ridge, r side of valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 2536.m Maui BISH 6/16/1920
43 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg pualaia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 1744 m Maui BISH 12/5/1919
44 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg east maui, makawao gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8542 Maui BISH 9/1/1910
45 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg lanaihale, top of ridges leading to summit of PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8047 Lanai BISH 7/1/1910
46 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg ridge sw of puu kolekole Open Metrosideros forest with Cheirodendron, Pittosporum, Xylosma, Dodonaea, Scaevola, Broussaisia, and Cibotium. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN davis, j. holt, r.a. collector number: 749 Molokai BISH 5/19/1982
47 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Nahiku road, 0.75 miles N of Hana-Kahului Road PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Chock, A.K. 338 Maui BISH 12/27/1951
48 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg west maui, canyon e of iao needle PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hobdy, r.w. collector number: 2049 Maui BISH 5/31/1984
49 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg ulupalakua, e maui, makawao district PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hillebrand, w.b. collector number: s.n. Maui BISH
50 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Honomuni, SE of Kawaiuliuli wet ohia, native trees and shrubs, exotic grass and shrubs PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stemmermann, R.L. 3935 Molokai BISH 7/18/1979
51 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg West Maui, Honokohau Valley ditch trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hobdy, R.W. 1783 Maui BISH 7/10/1983
52 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg East Maui, Makawao District, Kanaio AHU, S slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Medeiros, A.C. 192 Maui BISH 12/18/1981
53 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg kaluaaha PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 7085 Oahu BISH 4/1/1910
54 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg kamakou, hanalilolilo to puu alii Metrosideros, Araliac PRESERVED_SPECIMEN kiehn, m. collector number: mk-940901-2/1 Molokai BISH 9/1/1994
55 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg mahana, hulopoe gulch Metrosideros-Cheirodendron forest 5-8 m tall. W/ some sections dominated by Dicranopteris, Diplopterygium, & Sticherus matting ferns, mixed with Broussaisia, Myrsine spp, Leptecophylla, Smilax, Syzygium sandwicensis, Stenogyne purpurea, - in saturated frn-covered banks above stream, with matting ferns and Sadleria spp, uncommon. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. eames, a.j. collector number: 18743 Kauai BISH 4/9/1938
56 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg olowalu valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 2308.m Maui BISH 5/10/1920
57 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg hanalilolilo, waikolu valley head wet woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. et al. collector number: 12395 Molokai BISH 12/21/1932
58 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg high central ridge, above lanai city Second growth forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN stone, b.c. collector number: 871 Lanai BISH 7/4/1955
59 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kaluaaha PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 7054 Molokai BISH 4/1/1910
60 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg McGregor, mauka lower rain forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 22051 Maui BISH 3/9/1952
61 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Waiakaiole Gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8025 Lanai BISH 7/28/1910
62 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg kaluaaha Narrow river bank in Psidium gallery forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 7054 Maui BISH 4/1/1910
63 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg kohala PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8387 Hawaii BISH 6/1/1910
64 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg fr, pepeopae bog to ridge of papaala pali PRESERVED_SPECIMEN kiehn, m. lux, n.; haurez, t. collector number: mk-900806-6/4 Molokai BISH 8/6/1990
65 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg West Maui, canyon E of Iao Needle PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hobdy, R.W. 2049 Maui BISH 5/31/1984
66 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Iao Valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 98 M Maui BISH 6/1/1910
67 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg auwahi dry, open, native forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herbst, d.r. lamoureux, c.h.; bishop, l.e. collector number: 733 Maui BISH 11/12/1967
68 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Puu Ahia, Kawaihae, Kohala Mts. in wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 11484 Hawaii BISH 1/2/1932
69 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg mountains e end PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 214.l Lanai BISH 6/1/1913
70 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg kalaupapa; puu alii Dominant herb on north half of crater bottom; water level is at soil surface. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wysong, m.l. collector number: 693 Oahu BISH 3/23/2005
71 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg s. kona, honaunau forest reserve near kealakekua ranch Closed Acacia-Metrosideros forest. Frequent part of mixed native understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN corn, c. collector number: esp 168 Hawaii BISH 3/28/1980
72 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg iao valley, gulch n of the iao needle With Pipturus, Pisonia, Pritchardia glabrata, Heyotis formosa, Bidens micrantha, Lysimachia remyi, Dubautia plantaginea ssp. humilis, Pittosporum, Psychotria mauiensis, Cyanea elliptica, Melinis minutiflora, Cordyline fruticosa. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN perlman, s.p. et al. collector number: 19821 Maui BISH 10/13/2005
73 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg w maui, lahaina district, lihau fog belt, mountain side PRESERVED_SPECIMEN welton, p. haus, b. collector number: 1101 Oahu BISH 7/13/1991
74 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg east maui, kawaio, s slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN medeiros, a.c. collector number: 192 Maui BISH 12/18/1981
75 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 2308 Maui BISH 5/10/1920
76 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Mahana, Hulopoe Gulch lower woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 18743 Lanai BISH 4/9/1938
77 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg East Maui, Ulupalakua PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hillebrand, W.B. s.n. Maui BISH
78 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg East Maui, Makawao PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8540 Maui BISH 9/1/1910
79 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Ridge SW of Puu Kolekole Open Metrosideros forest with Cheirodendron, Pittosporum, Xylosma, Dodonaea, Scaevola, Broussaisia, and Cibotium. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Davis, J. Holt, R.A. Collector Number: 749 Molokai BISH 5/19/1982
80 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg wailau pali PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 7072 Molokai BISH 4/1/1910
81 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Puehuehunui, S of Kauaula rim small drainage, mixed mesic forest; Metrosideros polymorpha, Cheirodendron trigynum, Dodonaea viscosa, Nestegis sandwicensis, Hedyotis acuminata, Cyrtandra grayi, Melicope hawaiiense PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. 11937 Maui BISH 6/21/2006
82 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg High central ridge, above Lanai City Second growth forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B.C. 871 Lanai BISH 7/4/1955
83 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg pawili, lanaihale wind-swept moist ridge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. eames, a.j. collector number: 18781 Lanai BISH 4/11/1938
84 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Lanaihale, top of ridges leading to summit of PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8047 Lanai BISH 7/1/1910
85 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg n haleakala, koolau forest reserve, s of w wailuaiki stream on pali Barren cinder, lava bombs and ash field, with scattered Railliardia menziesii, Tetramolopium humile, and Deschampsia australis haleakalensis, Trisetum glomeratum (on rd.) and Agrostis sandwicensis. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. holt, r.a. collector number: 9051 Maui BISH 5/5/1980
86 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg S. Kona, Honaunau Forest Reserve near Kealakekua ranch Closed Acacia-Metrosideros forest. Frequent part of mixed native understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Corn, C. ESP 168 Hawaii BISH 3/28/1980
87 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg mcgregor, mauka lower rain forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. barber, r.; tam, a.; tousley collector number: 22051 Maui BISH 3/9/1952
88 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg west maui, hanaula Acacia koa, Metrosideros, Cheirodendron trigynum, Cibotium, Rubus hawaiensis, Diplazium sandwichianum, Coprosma, Ilex anomala, Freycinetia arborea, Perrottetia sandwicensis, Astelia menziesiana, Peperomia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN kiehn, m. kiehn, m.; hobdy, r. collector number: mk-890723-2/3 Hawaii BISH 7/23/1989
89 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg East Maui, Makawao gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8542 Maui BISH 9/1/1910
90 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg n haleakala, keanae valley wet ohia forest with native trees, shrubs, treefern PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. mceldowney, p.h. collector number: frw 2824 Maui BISH 7/14/1980
91 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg lihue district. iliiliula valley, along drainage below northern falls Metrosideros mixed wet forest with riparian vegetation Pisonia umbellifera, Antidesma platyphylla, Syzygium sandwicensis, Psychotria mariniana, P. mauiensis, P. wawrae, Melicope clusiifolia, Broussaisia arguta, Cyrtandra kealiae urceolata, C. longifolia, C PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. kirkpatrick, m., perlman, s. collector number: 15547 Kauai BISH
92 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg mts. above puu kolekole PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 170 mo Molokai BISH 7/1/1912
93 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg East Maui, S Haleakala, Auwahi PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 1977 M Maui BISH 3/15/1920
94 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg w.maui: iao valley, gulch to n of iao needle With Lysimachia remyi, Hedyotis acuminata, Machaerina angustifolia, Carex wahuensis, Pipturus, Carex meyenii, Hedyotis formosa, Pritchardia glabrata, Psychotria mauiensis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. perlman, s. collector number: 5147 Maui BISH 4/24/1996
95 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Auwahi, S Haleakala PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 2094 M Maui BISH 3/24/1920
96 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kaohai, Awehi Gulch, head of lower woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 18883 Lanai BISH 4/15/1938
97 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kahananui, ridge S of Pakui wet ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 2386 Molokai BISH 7/11/1979
98 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg w maui, kukui watershed area (prop. of maui pineapple co.), small patch of forest at ridge between kahana and kahana iki valleys Rare. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN kiehn, m. oppenheimer, h.; lux, n. collector number: mk-990913-5/1 Maui BISH 9/13/1999
99 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Lanaihale, S Low, fog-belt forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 28658 Lanai BISH 9/4/1963
100 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg kipuka puaulu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 12587 Oahu BISH 7/1/1915
101 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kamakou, Hanalilolilo to Puu Alii Metrosideros, Araliac PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Kiehn, M. MK-940901-2/1 Molokai BISH 9/1/1994
102 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Lanai top of ridges PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8047 Lanai BISH 7/25/1910
103 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Auwahi, S slope of Haleakala PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 2047 M Maui BISH 3/20/1920
104 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kawela, Papaala Pali, Kaunuohua wet ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stemmermann, R.L. 3914 Molokai BISH 6/21/1979
105 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg puna distr., olaa ahu., tr 31(80)' e slope of mauna lao; olaa tract West ohi`a forest with other native trees and a treefern and native shrub understory. Growing on ash substrate PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. collector number: frw 1223 Hawaii BISH 7/10/1977
106 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Waiakaiole Gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8024 Lanai BISH 7/1/1910
107 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg West Maui, back of Kaanapali PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8167 Maui BISH 8/25/1910
108 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Halehaku ridge, R side of valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 2536.M Maui BISH 6/16/1920
109 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Koele, mountains near PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 42.L Lanai BISH 6/1/1913
110 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg W Maui, Kukui watershed area (Prop. Of Maui Pineapple Co.), small patch of forest at ridge between Kahana and Kahana Iki valleys Rare. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Kiehn, M. MK-990913-5/1 Maui BISH 9/13/1999
111 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg lanai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 325.l Lanai BISH 9/1/1917
112 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg waiakaiole gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8025 Lanai BISH 7/28/1910
113 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg waiakaiole gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8024 Lanai BISH 7/28/1910
114 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg S. Hilo Distr., Piihonua Ahu., Tr 22(54); E slope of Mauna Kea betwn Waipahoehoe/S fork of Nukupahu Wet `ohi`a forest with other native trees and a treefern and native shrub understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 1429 Hawaii BISH 9/23/1977
115 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg holokaiea gulch, kohala PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 4215 Hawaii BISH 7/9/1909
116 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kipuka Puaulu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 12587 Hawaii BISH 7/1/1915
117 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Holokaiea gulch, Kohala PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 4215 Hawaii BISH 7/9/1909
118 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg lanai top of ridges PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8047 Lanai BISH 7/25/1910
119 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg east kopiliula 50% open 7 m canopy; Acacia, Metrosideros, uluhe, ohia, Cheirodendron, Ilex, Clermontia arborescens, Scaevola chamissoniana, Myrsine lessertiana, Melicope, Hedyotis, Coprosma, Perrottetia, Broussaisia, Vaccinium, Styphelia, Cyrtandra, Rubus hawaiensis, ferns, bryophytes PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. quitazol, f. collector number: 11328 Maui BISH 5/5/2005
120 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg east maui, makawao PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8540 Maui BISH 9/1/1910
121 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Between Wailau and Pelekunu Valleys, Olokui Plateau wet ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 2930 Molokai BISH 8/2/1980
122 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Olowalu Valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 2308.M Maui BISH 5/10/1920
123 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg olinda, kula flume line swampy woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 10319 Maui BISH 2/12/1930
124 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Puna Distr., Olaa Ahu., Tr 31(80) E slope of Mauna Lao; Olaa Tract West ohi`a forest with other native trees and a treefern and native shrub understory. Growing on ash substrate PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 1223 Hawaii BISH 7/10/1977
125 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg east maui, s haleakala, auwahi PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 1977 m Maui BISH 3/15/1920
126 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kamakou, Pepeopae Bog trail to Kawela intake PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wagner, W.L. 4920 Molokai BISH 7/30/1983
127 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg nahiku, kuhiwa trail, koolau forest reserve wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. catto, r.j. collector number: 17925 Maui BISH 1/2/1937
128 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg kawela, papaala pali, kaunuohua On the edge at water surface, Pool # 6 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN stemmermann, r.l. montgomery, s. collector number: 3914 Oahu BISH 6/21/1979
129 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kohala Mts., Upper Hamakua ditch trail, head of Alakahi valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cranwell, L.M. 3150 Hawaii BISH 9/7/1938
130 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Awehi, E Lanai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Montgomery, S.L. s.n. Lanai BISH 6/9/1971
131 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kalaupapa; Puu Alii PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wysong, M.L. 693 Molokai BISH 3/23/2005
132 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Molokai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Munro, G.C. s.n. Molokai BISH 6/5/1916
133 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg haalelepaakai ridge near fish and wildlife enclosure PRESERVED_SPECIMEN flynn, t. collector number: 183 Lanai BISH 5/25/1982
134 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg haelaau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 10189 Oahu BISH 2/5/1930
135 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg East Maui, Auwahi, Ulupalakua Ranch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Bryan, L.W. s.n. Maui BISH 10/1/1952
136 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Iao valley, gulch N of the Iao Needle With Pipturus, Pisonia, Pritchardia glabrata, Heyotis formosa, Bidens micrantha, Lysimachia remyi, Dubautia plantaginea ssp. humilis, Pittosporum, Psychotria mauiensis, Cyanea elliptica, Melinis minutiflora, Cordyline fruticosa. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. 19821 Maui BISH 10/13/2005
137 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg West Maui, Hanaula cloud forest with Myrtaceae and Metrosideros PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Kiehn, M. MK-890723-2/3 Maui BISH 7/23/1989
138 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Lanai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 346.L Lanai BISH 9/1/1917
139 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg East Maui, Kanaio PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Holt, R.A. 165 Maui BISH 3/23/1983
140 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg molokai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. Molokai BISH 6/5/1916
141 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Lanai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 325.L Lanai BISH 9/1/1917
142 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg s. hilo distr., piihonua ahu., tr 22(54); e slope of mauna kea betwn waipahoehoe/s fork of nukupahu Wet `ohi`a forest with other native trees and a treefern and native shrub understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. collector number: frw 1429 Hawaii BISH 9/23/1977
143 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 2366.m Maui BISH 5/14/1920
144 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg East Maui, Kawaio, S slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Medeiros, A.C. 192 Maui BISH 12/18/1981
145 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Ukulele PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 927.M Maui BISH 7/1/1919
146 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Nahiku, Kuhiwa Trail, Koolau Forest Reserve wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 17925 Maui BISH 1/2/1937
147 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg East Maui, Hana District, Kipahulu, W ridge of Kaukauai gulch koa woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 17817 Maui BISH 12/28/1936
148 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg kaluaaha PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 7054 Molokai BISH 4/1/1910
149 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg lanaihale, s PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. degener, i. collector number: 28658 Hawaii BISH 9/4/1963
150 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Mts. above Puu Kolekole PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 170 Mo Molokai BISH 7/1/1912
151 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg East Maui, Hana District, Kipahulu, W ridge of Kaukauai Gulch koa woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 17815 Maui BISH 12/28/1936
152 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Puaahala, ridge E of Kua gulch wet ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stemmermann, R.L. 3892 Molokai BISH 7/12/1979
153 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg east maui, n haleakala, along ridge between hanawi stream and kuhiwa gulch On large Cheirodendron trunk above trail. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. kepler, a. collector number: frw 2637 Maui BISH 6/14/1980
154 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg W.Maui: Iao Valley, gulch to N of Iao needle With Lysimachia remyi, Hedyotis acuminata, Machaerina angustifolia, Carex wahuensis, Pipturus, Carex meyenii, Hedyotis formosa, Pritchardia glabrata, Psychotria mauiensis PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. 5147 Maui BISH 4/24/1996
155 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg east maui, makawao district, kanaio ahu, s slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN medeiros, a.c. collector number: 192 Maui BISH 12/18/1981
156 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg pualaia Ohia-treefern dieback. Soil a deep and moderately well drained organic/ash; substrate unknown. Primary vegetation: Metrosideros polymorpha, Coprosma spp., Ilex anomala, Gouldia sp., Cheirodendron trigynum & Psychotria sandwicensis. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 1744 m Hawaii BISH 12/5/1919
157 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Lanai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Munro, G.C. 13 Lanai BISH 3/27/1905
158 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg east maui, ulupalakua PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hillebrand, w.b. collector number: s.n. Maui BISH
159 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg lanai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. collector number: 013 Lanai BISH 8/8/1913
160 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg pukoo In sand PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 292 Maui BISH 7/1/1912
161 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Lihue District. Iliiliula Valley, along drainage below northern falls Metrosideros mixed wet forest with riparian vegetation Pisonia umbellifera, Antidesma platyphylla, Syzygium sandwicensis, Psychotria mariniana, P. mauiensis, P. wawrae, Melicope clusiifolia, Broussaisia arguta, Cyrtandra kealiae urceolata, C. longifolia, C PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. 15547 Kauai BISH 6/27/2013
162 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg kamakou, pepeopae bog trail to kawela intake PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wagner, w.l. gustafson, r.; martin, w.; herbst, d. collector number: 4920 Molokai BISH 7/30/1983
163 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg koele, mountains near Epiphytic on Halimeda kanalouna. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 42.l Lanai BISH 6/1/1913
164 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Waiakaiole Gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8024 Lanai BISH 7/28/1910
165 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg puaahala, ridge e of kua gulch wet ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN stemmermann, r.l. montgomery, s. collector number: 3892 Molokai BISH 7/12/1979
166 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg N Haleakala, Koolau Forest Reserve, S of W Wailuaiki Stream on pali wet ohia forest with native trees, shrubs, treefern PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. 9051 Maui BISH 5/5/1980
167 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg top of ridge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8047 Lanai BISH 7/25/1910
168 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg auwahi, s haleakala PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 2094 m Maui BISH 3/24/1920
169 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg west maui, back of kaanapali PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. et al. collector number: 8167 Maui BISH 8/8/1910
170 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg FR, Pepeopae Bog to ridge of Papaala Pali PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Kiehn, M. MK-900806-6/4 Molokai BISH 8/6/1990
171 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Lanai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 378.L Lanai BISH 9/1/1917
172 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg east maui, hana district, kipahulu, w ridge of kaukauai gulch koa woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. catto, r.j. collector number: 17817 Maui BISH 12/28/1936
173 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg east maui, auwahi, ulupalakua ranch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN bryan, l.w. Maui BISH 10/1/1952
174 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Ridge SW of Puu Kolekole Open Metrosideros forest with Cheirodendron, Pittosporum, Xylosma, Dodonaea, Scaevola, Broussaisia, and Cibotium. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Davis, J. 749 Molokai BISH 5/19/1982
175 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Pawili, Lanaihale wind-swept moist ridge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 18781 Lanai BISH 4/11/1938
176 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg waiakaiole gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8024 Lanai BISH 7/1/1910
177 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg east maui, hana district, kipahulu, w ridge of kaukauai gulch koa woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. catto, r.j. collector number: 17815 Maui BISH 12/28/1936
178 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg West Maui, back of Kaanapali PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8167 Maui BISH 8/1/1910
179 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Olinda, Kula flume line swampy woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 10319 Maui BISH 2/12/1930
180 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg east maui, nw slope of haleakala Common in koa forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8541 Hawaii BISH 9/1/1910
181 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg east maui, kanaio PRESERVED_SPECIMEN holt, r.a. loope, l.l. collector number: 165 Maui BISH 3/23/1983
182 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Auwahi dry, open, native forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herbst, D.R. 733 Maui BISH 11/12/1967
183 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg auwahi, s slope of haleakala PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 2047 m Maui BISH 3/20/1920
184 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Lanai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 379.L Lanai BISH 9/1/1917
185 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg between wailau and pelekunu valleys, olokui plateau wet ohia, native trees and shrubs, treeferns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN higashino, p.k. holt, r.a. collector number: 9429 Molokai BISH 8/3/1980
186 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 2366.M Maui BISH 5/14/1920
187 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg lanaihale, pawili. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. st. john & a. j. eames 18781 DUKE 4/11/1938
188 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg molokai, wailau palu, 4000 feet PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock 7072 GH 4/6/1910
189 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg molokai, kahwahu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock 7085 MICH 4/6/1910
190 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg iao valley, gulch north of iao needle PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. perlman 19821 NY 10/13/2005
191 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Iao valley, gulch north of Iao Needle PRESERVED_SPECIMEN S. Perlman 19821 NY 10/13/2005
192 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Haupu Range; north facing mesic forest; just below and along cliffs on west side of summit. Mesic forest with relict native species. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 7482 Kauai PTBG 9/23/1998
193 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Above Haupu bay, Kaaloa, ridge between Anapuhi & Waiohookalo. Diospyros mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 17842A Molokai PTBG 1/1/2003
194 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Reflector Trail, south side of ridge. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 229 Lanai PTBG 0982-05-30
195 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg East Maui, E fork of W. Wailua Iki Stream. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H21310 Maui PTBG 2/20/2013
196 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Above Haupu bay, Kaaloa, ridge between Anapuhi & Waiohookalo. In Diospyros mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 17842 Molokai PTBG 1/3/2002
197 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg W. Maui, Kukui watershed area (prop. Of Maui Pineapple Co.); small patch of forest at ridge between Kahana and Kahana Iki valleys. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Michael Kiehn MK-990913-5/1 Maui PTBG 9/13/1999
198 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kaiholena Gulch. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN David Palumbo 138 Lanai PTBG 6/22/1983
199 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg West Maui, Puu Kukui Watershed Management Area, trail between Gorilla Reservoir and Kahanaiki Gulch Disturbed Mesic Forest on talus slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Natalia Tangalin 3473 Maui PTBG 4/9/2013
200 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Top of Ridges. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN J. F. Rock 8047 Lanai PTBG 7/25/1910
201 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Iao Valley. North and below Needle. Lowland Wet Forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Natalia Tangalin 513 Maui PTBG 10/13/2005
202 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Koolau Mts., Kuliouou Valley, back rim between Kuliouou and Niu summit. Along trail nea Puu o Kona. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 5158 Oahu PTBG 2/1/1987
203 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Hono o Na Pali NAR, west Hanakoa stream drainage above falls. Metrosideros-Cheirodendron-Dicranopteris wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 18434 Kauai PTBG 6/2/2020
204 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kipahulu valley, National Park lands between Kaupo Gap and Kipahulu valley, Kekuewa Camp. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 6677 Maui PTBG 9/3/1997
205 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg E. Maui, Hanawi; above State Camp; just west of Heleleikeoha headwaters. Rich with forest birds. elev. ca 5300-6000 ft. Metrosideros-Cheirodendron montane wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 6793 Maui PTBG 10/4/1997
206 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Waiakiola gulch. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN J. F. Rock 8024 Lanai PTBG 7/28/1910
207 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Puu Alii NAR, southwestern section of reserve, Hanalilolilo. Metrosideros-Cheirodendron montane wet forest, 8 m canopy 50% open PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 11241 Molokai PTBG 4/26/2005
208 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Puu Alii N.A.R. Survey, transect 2, Puu Alii toward Waiohookalo Valley rim. Elev. 3500-4000 ft. In Metrosideros polymorpha-Cheirodendron montane wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 10660 Molokai PTBG 1/17/1989
209 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kawaipapa stream, along stream on wet cliff walls, above Nahiku- Hana area Metrosideros- Cheirodendron trigynum wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 23503 Maui PTBG 6/4/2013
210 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg East Maui, Hana Forest Reserve, Waihoi Valley, back of valley. Metrosideros wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H51404 Maui PTBG 5/1/2014
211 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Cable Trail, Koukouai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Mike Opgenorth MO003 Maui PTBG 10/10/2016
212 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Above Haupu bay, Kaaloa, ridge between Anapuhi & Waiohookalo. Diospyros mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 17842A Molokai PTBG 1/3/2002
213 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg E. Maui, Hanawi; 1.8 m above CC cabin site. Metrosideros-Cheirodendron Montane Wet Forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 1694 Maui PTBG 3/11/1992
214 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Iao valley, gulch north of Iao Needle PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 19821 Maui PTBG 10/13/2005
215 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg E. Maui, Koolau Forest Reserve, along the road to Waikamoi Stream Valley. Elev. 4200-4300 ft. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Michael Kiehn & Monika Kiehn MK-900803-3/2 Maui PTBG 8/3/1990
216 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg W. Maui, back of Kaanapali. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN J. F. Rock 8167 Maui PTBG 8/1/1910
217 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg West Maui, Waihee Valley. At the edge of plateau near cliffs at back of valley. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H50932 Maui PTBG 5/19/2009
218 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Haalelepaakai Ridge near Fish and Wildlife enclosure. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tim Flynn 183 Lanai PTBG 5/25/1982
219 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg E. Maui, east Kopili`ula. Acacia-Metrosideros, 50% open 7m canopy, understory of uluhe mat ferns dissected by riparian veg PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 11328 Maui PTBG 5/5/2005
220 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg W. Maui, slopes of Helu. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H91008 Maui PTBG 9/8/2010
221 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg W. Maui: Iao valley, gulch to north of Iao needle. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 5147 Maui PTBG 4/24/1996
222 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg East Maui. Haiku Uka, western Honomanu drainage basin Metrosideros montane wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H81605 Maui PTBG 8/18/2016
223 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Waikolu Valley, back western side of valley on prominant mesic ridge below intake. Metrosideros mixed mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 11167 Molokai PTBG 3/30/2005
224 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Iliiliula Valley, forest and drainage below northern falls Metrosideros mixed lowland wet forest with riparian vegetation PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 10653 Kauai PTBG 4/15/2004
225 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Puu Kukui ,Gulch to north of Puu Kukui tr. Drainage of Honokohau valley In Metrosideros shrubland. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 15375 Maui PTBG 5/2/1996
226 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg West (Kula Side), top of ridge, one gully west parallel. (Probably collected Auwahi) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 237 Maui PTBG 1/5/1979
227 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Iao Valley. Right gulch upstream along steep, saturated cliffside. Mesic to wet shrubland PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 261 Maui PTBG 3/23/1990
228 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg MOLOKAI: Kapailoa [Ka`aloa] forested slopes above Haupu Bay, Diospyros sandwicensis mixed mesic forest, with Charpentiera obovata, Nototrichium sandwicense, Alyxia oliviformis, Ochrosia compta, Reynoldsia sandwicensis, Tetraplasandra hawaiensis, Clermontia kakeana, Perrottetia sandwicensis, Styphelia tameiameiae, Antidesma platyphyllum var. platyphyllum, Xylosma hawaiiense PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 9243 Molokai PTBG 1/3/2002
229 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg W. Maui: Iao valley, gulch to north of Iao needle. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 5148 Maui PTBG 4/24/1996
230 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg E. Maui, Hanawi; above State Camp; just west of Heleleikeoha headwaters; Rich with forest birds. elev. ca 5300-6000 ft. Metrosideros-Cheirodendron montane wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 6794 Maui PTBG 10/4/1997
231 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kamakou preserve. Near the board walk to the look out. Wet Ohia forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Kenta Watanabe KMW4173 Molokai PTBG 3/23/2016
232 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kamakou preserve. Near the board walk to the look out. Wet Ohia forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Kenta Watanabe KMW4177 Molokai PTBG 3/23/2016
233 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg W. Maui, Puehuehunui, in small drainage to south of Kauaula rim. Mixed mesic forest with rich fern understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 11937 Maui PTBG 6/21/2006
234 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg pualaia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 1744.m Maui US 12/5/1919
235 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg molokai: between waikolu and kolekole ranger station PRESERVED_SPECIMEN f. fagerlind & c. skottsberg UPS 2/17/1948
236 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg hanalei district: halelea forest reserve, wainiha valley, southwest of the dam PRESERVED_SPECIMEN t. g. lammers & k. r. wood 8196 Kauai US 6/6/1991
237 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg mts. above puu kolekole PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes Molokai US
238 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kapilau Ridge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Bishop, --; Gagne; Montgomery 47104 Maui US 4/10/1971
239 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kipahula, summit of west ridge of Kaukaua Gulch, East Maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H.; Catto, R. J. 17817 Maui US 12/28/1936
240 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Hulopoe Gulch, Mahana PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H.; Eames, A. J. 18743 Lanai US 4/9/1938
241 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg puu alii nar, southwestern section of reserve, hanalilolilo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood & j. espaniola 11241 Molokai US 4/26/2005
242 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg wooded ridge haelaau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. st. john 10189 Maui US 2/5/1930
243 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg kaiholena valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 5.l. Molokai US 6/5/1913
244 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg kaohai, head of aweli gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. st. john & e. y. hosaka 18883 Lanai US 4/15/1938
245 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Wooded ridge Haelaau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 10189 Maui US 2/5/1930
246 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Iao valley, gulch to north of Iao needle PRESERVED_SPECIMEN S. P. Perlman & K. Wood 17750 Maui US 10/31/2001
247 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg halehaku - right side of valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 2536.m. Maui US 6/16/1920
248 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Waiakeakua Gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O.; Murashige, T. 20304 Lanai US 8/4/1943
249 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg mauka of mcgregor. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener, barber, tam & -. tousley 22051 Maui US 3/9/1952
250 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg iao valley, gulch to north of iao needle PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. p. perlman & k. wood 17750 Maui US 10/31/2001
251 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg above haupu bay, kaaloa, ridge between anapuhi & waiohookalo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. p. perlman & k. wood 17842 Molokai US 1/3/2002
252 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Auwahi, S slope of Haleakala PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 2049.M. Maui US 3/20/2020
253 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Puu Ohia, Kawaihae, Kohala Mountains. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H.; Hosaka, E. Y. 11484 Hawaii US 1/2/1932
254 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg auwahi. s. slope of haleakala PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 2094.m Maui US 3/24/1920
255 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg kipahulu valley, national park lands between kaupo gap and kipahulu valley, kewuewa camp PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood, s. p. perlman, p. welton & b. haus 6677 Maui US 9/3/1997
256 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Lahaina District, West Maui, Puu Kukui Watershed Management Area, trail between Gorilla Reservoir and Kahanaiki Gulch. Disturbed mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN N. Tangalin & C. Johns 3473 Kauai US 4/9/2013
257 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 2396.m. Maui US
258 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Puu Kukui, West Maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hitchcock, A. S. 14760 Maui US 1916-00-00
259 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Auwahi. S. slope of Haleakala PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 2094.M Maui US 3/24/2020
260 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Above Hapu bay, Kaaloa, ridge between Anapuhi & Waiohookalo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. P.; Wood, K. 17842A Molokai US 1/3/2002
261 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Above Hapu bay, Kaaloa, ridge between Anapuhi & Waiohookalo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN S. P. Perlman & K. Wood 17842A Molokai US 1/3/2002
262 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Puu Alii NAR, southwestern section of reserve, Hanalilolilo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K. R.; Espaniola, J. 11241 Molokai US 4/26/2005
263 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Mts. E. end PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 214.L. Lanai US 6/13/2020
264 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Halehaku - right side of valley. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 2536.M. Maui US 6/16/2020
265 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg kipahula, summit of west ridge of kaukaua gulch, east maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. st. john & r. catto 17817 Maui US 12/28/1936
266 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Lanaihale, Pawili. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H.; Eames, A. J. 18781 Lanai US 4/11/1938
267 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg west maui, iao valley, gulch to north of iao needle PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood & s. p. perlman 5147 Hawaii US 4/24/1996
268 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Mixed mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K. R.; Hughes, G.; Wysong, M.; Espaniola, J. 11167 Molokai US 3/30/2005
269 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg iao valley, north and below needle. lowland wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN n. tangalin & s. p. perlman 513 Maui US 10/13/2005
270 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kaluaha. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J. F. 7085 Molokai US 4/10/2020
271 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Mts. above Puu Kolekole PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 170.Mo. Molokai US 7/12/2020
272 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kaohai, head of Aweli Gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H.; Hosaka, E. Y. 18883 Lanai US 4/15/1938
273 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kipahulu, summit of west ridge of Kaukaua Gulch, East Maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H.; Catto, R. J. 17815 Maui US 12/28/1936
274 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg hulopoe gulch, mahana PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. st. john & a. j. eames 18743 Lanai US 4/9/1938
275 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Auwahi. S slope of Haleakala. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 1977.M. Maui US 3/15/2020
276 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Waimea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hitchcock, A. S. 14397 Hawaii US 8/26/2016
277 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg e. maui, e kopili` ula. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood & f. quitazol 11328 Maui US 5/5/2005
278 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Upper part of mountain PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hitchcock, A. S. 14657 Lanai US 9/21/2016
279 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg ukulele PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 927.m. Maui US
280 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg puu kukui, west maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN a. s. hitchcock 14760 Maui US 9/24/1916
281 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Iao Valley, North and below Needle. lowland wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tangalin, N.; Perlman, S. P. 513 Maui US 10/13/2005
282 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg waimea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN a. s. hitchcock 14347 Kauai US 8/25/1916
283 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg nahiku, kuhiwa trail, koolau forest reserve, east maui. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. st. john & r. catto 17904 Maui US 1/2/1937
284 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kipahulu valley, National Park lands between Kaupo Gap and Kipahulu valley, Kewuewa Camp PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K. R.; Perlman, S. P.; Welton, P.; Haus, B. 6677 Maui US 9/3/1997
285 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg puu ohia, kawaihae, kohala mountains. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. st. john & e. y. hosaka 11484 Hawaii US 1/2/1932
286 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Above Haupu bay, Kaaloa, ridge between Anapuhi & Waiohookalo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN S. P. Perlman & K. Wood 17842 Molokai US 1/3/2002
287 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Mixed mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood, g. hughes, m. wysong & j. espaniola 11167 Molokai US 3/30/2005
288 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg West Maui, Iao valley gulch to north of Iao needle PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K. R.; Perlman, S. P. 5148 Maui US 4/24/1996
289 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kaiholena Valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 5.L. Lanai US 6/5/2013
290 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg kaluaha. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock 7085 Molokai US
291 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg auwahi. s slope of haleakala. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 1977.m. Hawaii US 3/15/1920
292 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg mts. above puu kolekole PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes Molokai US
293 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg waiakeakua gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener & t. murashige 20304 Lanai US 8/4/1943
294 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg upper part of mountain PRESERVED_SPECIMEN a. s. hitchcock 14657 Lanai US 9/21/1916
295 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg kaluaha. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock 7054 Molokai US
296 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg top of ridges. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock 8047 Lanai US 7/25/1910
297 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Ukumehame Gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 25679 Maui US 12/28/1955
298 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg mountains east end PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 214.l. Lanai US
299 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg above hapu bay, kaaloa, ridge between anapuhi & waiohookalo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. p. perlman & k. wood 17842a Molokai US 1/3/2002
300 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Above Haupu bay, Kaaloa, ridge between Anapuhi & Waiohookalo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. P.; Wood, K. 17842 Molokai US 1/3/2002
301 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg kapilau ridge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN #NAME? 47104 Kauai US 4/10/1971
302 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg On Kapilau Ridge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Bishop, --; Gagne; Montgomery 47118 Maui US 4/10/1971
303 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Pualaia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 1744.M Maui US 12/5/2019
304 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg West Maui, Iao valley, gulch to north of Iao needle PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K. R.; Perlman, S. P. 5147 Maui US 4/24/1996
305 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg west maui, iao valley gulch to north of iao needle PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood & s. p. perlman 5148 Maui US 4/24/1996
306 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Waimea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hitchcock, A. S. 14347 Kauai US 8/25/2016
307 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Mountains east end PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 214.L. Lanai US 6/13/2020
308 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg mts. e. end PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 214.l. Lanai US
309 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Nahiku, Kuhiwa trail, Koolau Forest Reserve, East Maui. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H.; Catto, R. J. 17904 Maui US 1/2/1937
310 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg waimea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN a. s. hitchcock 14397 Hawaii US 8/26/1916
311 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg forest on west slope of gulch, manawainui. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN #NAME? 47174 Maui US 4/13/1971
312 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg E. Maui, E Kopili` ula. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K. R.; Quitazol, F. 11328 Maui US 5/5/2005
313 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg kipahulu, summit of west ridge of kaukaua gulch, east maui Shady, well drained. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. st. john & r. catto 17815 Oahu US 12/28/1936
314 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg halehaku - right side of valley. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 2536.m. Oahu US 6/16/1920
315 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Iao valley, gulch to north of Iao needle PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. P.; Wood, K. 17750 Maui US 10/31/2001
316 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg lahaina district, west maui, puu kukui watershed management area, trail between gorilla reservoir and kahanaiki gulch. Disturbed mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN n. tangalin & c. johns 3473 Kauai US 4/9/2013
317 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Mts. above Puu Kolekole PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 216.Mo. Molokai US 7/12/2020
318 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Hanalei District: Halelea Forest Reserve, Wainiha Valley, southwest of the dam PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lammers, T. G.; Wood, K. R. 8196 Kauai US 6/6/1991
319 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Top of ridges. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J. F. 8047 Lanai US 7/25/2010
320 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Lahaina District, West Maui, Puu Kukui Watershed Management Area, trail between Gorilla Reservoir and Kahanaiki Gulch. Disturbed mesic forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Tangalin, N.; Johns, C. 3473 Kauai US 4/9/2013
321 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg auwahi, s slope of haleakala PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 2049.m. Maui US 3/20/1920
322 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Forest on west slope of gulch, Manawainui. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Bishop, --; Gagne; Montgomery 47174 Maui US 4/13/1971
323 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Mauka of McGregor. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O.; Barber; Tam; Tousley, -. 22051 Maui US 3/9/1952
324 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Halehaku - right side of valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 2536.M. Maui US 6/16/2020
325 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kaluaha. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J. F. 7054 Molokai US 4/10/2020
326 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg east maui, makawao district, east koolau forest reseve, waikamoi stream valley along road PRESERVED_SPECIMEN kiehn, m. kiehn, m.; lux, n.; hobdy, r. collector number: mk-900803-3/2 Maui BISH 3/8/1990
327 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg W Maui, Wailuku District, Waihee Valley At edge of plateau near cliffs at back of valley. Vegetation: Metrosideros, Cheirodendron, Broussaisia, Perrottetia, Cyanea, Kadua, Clermontia, Coprosma, Cibotium, Psychotria, Stenogyne, Sadleria, Diplazium, Melicope, Antidesma, Peperomia, Isachne, Dicranopteris, Tibouchina, Ageratina PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oppenheimer, H.L. H50932 Maui BISH 5/19/2009
328 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg on kapilau ridge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN #NAME? 47118 Maui US 4/10/1971
329 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kipahulu valley, National Park lands between Kaupo Gap and Kipahulu valley, Kewuewa Camp PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood, S. P. Perlman, P. Welton & B. Haus 6677 Maui US 9/3/1997
330 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Puu Kukui steep slope in rain forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wilbur, R.L. 929 Maui BISH 6/29/1948
331 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg nahiku, kuhiwa trail, koolau for. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. st. john; r. j. castro 17925 Oahu US 2/1/1937
332 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kaiholena Ridge Lower decadent forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 24198 Lanai BISH 8/10/1957
333 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg kipuka puaulu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. Hawaii BISH
334 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg ukumehame gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 25679 Oahu BISH 12/28/1955
335 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg west maui, honokohau valley ditch trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hobdy, r.w. collector number: 1783 Maui BISH 7/10/1983
336 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg ukumehame gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. st. john 25679 Maui US 12/28/1955
337 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Mauka of McGregor, Maui.\nNear lower limit of rainforest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Otto Degener 22051 Maui PTBG 3/9/1952
338 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg east Kopiliula 50% open 7 m canopy; Acacia, Metrosideros, uluhe, ohia, Cheirodendron, Ilex, Clermontia arborescens, Scaevola chamissoniana, Myrsine lessertiana, Melicope, Hedyotis, Coprosma, Perrottetia, Broussaisia, Vaccinium, Styphelia, Cyrtandra, Rubus hawaiensis, ferns, bryophytes PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. 11328 Maui BISH 5/5/2005
339 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Iao valley, gulch to north of Iao needle, on steep slope. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 17750 Maui PTBG 10/31/2001
340 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg nahiku road, 0.75 miles n of hana-kahului road PRESERVED_SPECIMEN chock, a.k. collector number: 338 Maui BISH 12/27/1951
341 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg N Haleakala, Keanae Valley wet ohia forest with native trees, shrubs, treefern PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 2824 Maui BISH 7/14/1980
342 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg w maui, lihau PRESERVED_SPECIMEN welton, p. haus, b. collector number: 1586 Oahu BISH 10/10/1992
343 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Iliiliula Valley, along drainage below northern falls. UTM: 0449712-2438273 Metrosideros mixed wet forest with riparian vegetation. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 15547 Kauai PTBG 6/27/2013
344 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Hanalei, upper Waioli Stream valley, E flank, Hihimanu to Waiopa peaks Metrosideros, Antidesma, Psychotria, Bobea, Perrottetia, Freycinetia, Dicranopteris, Diplopterygium, Clidemia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lorence, D.H. 7374 Kauai BISH 5/7/1993
345 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg W Maui, Lihau Montane Ohia Mixed Forest. With Metrosideros, Cheirodendron, Broussaisia, Coprosma, Labordia, Ilex, Cibotium, Sadleria, Cyrtandra spp., Myrsine spp., Peperomia spp., Lycopodium and native ferns PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Welton, P. 1586 Maui BISH 10/10/1992
346 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg kohala mts., upper hamakua ditch trail, head of alakahi valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN cranwell, l.m. selling, o.; skottsberg, c. collector number: 3150 Hawaii BISH 9/7/1938
347 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Haelaau wooded ridge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 10189 Maui BISH 2/5/1930
348 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Kohala PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8387 Hawaii BISH 6/1/1910
349 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg iao valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 98 m Maui BISH 6/1/1910
350 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Wailau pali PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 7072 Molokai BISH 4/1/1910
351 Psychotria mauiensis Fosberg Ukulele PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 927.M. Maui US 7/19/2020